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Read IMHOTEP scientific papers, publications, presentations and more

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Lessons learnt from the IMHOTEP project and way forward

Scientific papers

Mota, M. M., Scala, P., Herranz, R., Schultz, M., & Jimenez, E. (2020). Creating the future airport passenger experience: IMHOTEP. In European Modelling Simulation Symposium, Athens, Greece.

Schultz, M., Luo, M., Lubig, D., Mota, M. M., & Scala, P. (2021). COVID-19 related challenges for new normality in airport terminal operations. In Winter Simulation Conference 2021.

Patrón, R. S. F., Scala, P., Mota, M. M., & Murrieta, A. (2021). Airport passenger flow prediction using simulation data farming and machine learning. In 33rd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium.

Mota, M. M., Scala, P., Schultz, M., Lubig, D., Luo, M., & Perez, E. J. (2021). The Rise of the Smart Passenger I: Analysis of impact on Departing Passenger Flow in Airports. In 11th SESAR Innovation Days.

Blasco, J., Blasco, C., Jordá, R., Burrieza, J., Cantú Ros, O. G., Mocholí, D. (2022). Data fusion for the analysis of air travel behavior: Application to Palma de Mallorca Airport. Proceedings of the 12th SESAR Innovation Days.

Rothe, H., Jiménez, E., Moxon, R., Ellis, D., Fricke, H., Mujica, M., Scala, P., Casas, J., Sala, M., Mackinnon, G., Blasco, J., Herranz, R. (2022). Integrated Multimodal Airport Operations for Efficient Passenger Flow Management – Two Case studies. Proceedings of the 12th SESAR Innovation Days.

Gregg, A., Blasco, J., Jordá, R., Martín, I., Burrieza, J., Cantú Ros, O.G. (2022). Airport accessibility surveys and mobile phone records data fusion for the analysis of air travel behaviour. In 12th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods, Lisbon, Portugal.


Scala, P., Mota, M. M., Blasco-Puyuelo, J, Cantú Ros, O. G., Blasco, C. (2022). A novel validation approach for validating the simulation model of a passengers' airport terminal: case study Palma de Mallorca airport. In 34th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium.

Jimenez, E., Blasco-Puyuelo, J., Alcolea, R., Salamanca, R., Rothe, H., Moxon, R. (2022). Enabling real-time collaborative decision-making between airport and surface transport operations. In Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference 2022.



IMHOTEP Poster - Integrated Multimodal Airport Operations for Efficient Passenger Flow Management


Integrated Multimodal Airport Operations for Efficient Passenger Flow Management - Marcel Sala (Aimsun) explains how modeling can help airports manage airport access and terminal passenger service, and provide a seamless customer experience

IMHOTEP's consortium partners and industry experts highlight the key outcomes and achievements of the project and discuss the future challenges in the field of research.

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