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Image by Brittney Butler


Integrated Multimodal Airport Operations for Efficient Passenger Flow Management

IMHOTEP’s vision is that of a multimodal European transport system where the different modes are completely integrated, so that passengers travel from door to door in an efficient, sustainable and resilient manner. Within this vision, airports will become multimodal connection nodes. A set of interconnected platforms and services will provide a common vision of the situation of the transport system and will enable real-time collaboration between airports and ground transport modes, allowing a more efficient management of the passenger flows.


The goal of IMHOTEP is to develop a concept of operations and a set of data analysis methods, predictive models and decision support tools that allow information sharing, common situational awareness and real‑time collaboration between airports and ground transport operators.


The specific objectives of the project are the following:


  1. Propose a concept of operations which extends the collaborative decision-making process of the airport to also take into account ground transportation. There will be a set of use cases based on information sharing and real-time collaboration between air transport and ground transport modes.

  2. Develop new Big Data methods to provide a complete view of the door-to-door passenger journey through the integration of different types of passenger movement data.

  3. Develop tools to anticipate the evolution of an airport’s passenger flows during the day and assess the impact on both airport and the ground transport system.

  4. Validate the new concept, methods and tools through a set of case studies conducted in direct collaboration with airports and ground transport operators. The case studies will cover two airports, namely Palma de Mallorca and the London City airport.


The overall concept proposed by IMHOTEP, built around the idea of passenger activity-travel diaries, is summarised in the following figures:






This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 891287. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the SESAR JU members other than the Union. © 2020 IMHOTEP Consortium. All rights reserved.

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