On June 28, 2021, the members of the IMHOTEP consortium presented to the SESAR JU the status of the project, the progress done in the different work packages, and the main activities performed during this first year.
All partners participated to explain the work done so far, that has been focused on:
Producing the Project Management Plan and other relevant management documentation.
Developing a Concept of Operations for the extension of airport collaborative decision-making to ground transport stakeholders and the definition of the two case studies on Palma de Mallorca and London City airports.
Collecting several relevant data sources for the development of the terminal and access/egress models, and making the data available for the consortium partners by setting up a project Data Repository.
Developing a set of data analysis and fusion methods aiming to provide a comprehensive view of the passenger trajectory through the integration of different types of high-resolution passenger movement data.
Developing the predictive models for the airport terminal and the ground transport system able to forecast the passenger flows within the day of operations.
All IMHOTEP partners want to thank SESAR JU for the opportunity to present the project achievements and for the valuable feedback.